Mena Band plays Middle Eastern and North African Music on select Sunday evenings for Al Masri’s dancers’ showcase. The musicians are Bouchaib Abdelhadi, Jelal Takesh, Susu Pampanin and Amina Goodyear. Contact Amina if you would like to perform to this music - from the most traditional to some far-out fusion.
Mena Band plays Sunday January 26, February 23, April 26 and June 28*
Check back for morer dates soon.
Reservations advised for this all-youi-can-eat buffet. (415) 876-2300
The Mena Band Bouchaib Abdelhadi, oud, vocals; Jelal Takesh, kanun; Susu Pampanin, tabla;Amina Goodyear, duf, riq.
My (Amina’s) first love is Egyptian music (and dance) but I also love the music and dance from the neighboring countries. I am so happy to present a new addition to Al Masri with the Mena Band.
We will play MENA music - from the West - Morocco to the East - Turkey. Be prepared to follow the musical trail across North Africa to Egypt and the rest of the Middle East.
Below are a few of my photos from Casa Blanca to Turkey.
Egypt photos are - the Giza platform, Susu at a drum souk in Cairo and Luxor with Yousef Mazen, patriarch of the Banat Mazen Ghawazi .
Enjoy the Mena Band with Bouchaib Abdelhadi from Morocco, Jelal Takesh from Azerbaijan and Susu and Amina.
*Sunday, June 28 the Mena Band will be Jelal Takesh, kanun; Raman Osman, tambur and Tim Bolling, tabla.